Monday, February 8, 2010

Silver And Infection Why Did Colloidal Silver Cure My Mrsa Infection When Doctor Prescribed Antibiotics Did Nothing?

Why did colloidal silver cure my mrsa infection when doctor prescribed antibiotics did nothing? - silver and infection

Doctors do not know everything. You already know what the drug companies taught. I can cure ear infections a lot better than the doctor can not, because I am open to different methods of the pharmaceutical industry.


hmmmmm said...

I hope that this means "money alone", so it can not cause Argyria (blue type) ..... But WOW, I know what you mean ... I made about 16 years, but ..... It is toxic is not entirely in agreement with the EPA and has no side effects "back to the FDA .... 650 kills viruses, bacteria and fungi can live ..... and any form of cancer (human or animal in a body ), the 10 ppm silver ions .... There is a huge amount of information on the now ..... Google: Brigham Young University, and colloidal silver .... they have researched amazing! Blessings!

katie said...

I have adrenal fatigue and basically spent a lot of money in modern medicine, herbs, vitamins and natural foods to eat again and the improvement of IM. Sometimes I think that the mere treatment of symptoms in natural alternative medicine and treatment of problems and allows the body to heal itself.

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