Sunday, February 14, 2010

Galaxia Video Game Question About Retro Video Games , You Would Have To Be About 25+ For This One?

Question about retro video games , you would have to be about 25+ for this one? - galaxia video game

Which game do you prefer? Galaxy / Galaga or Space Invaders? ?


DÖDSFALL... said...

IAM 43 years old, remember those old retro games was 25 years before the date of

Galaga for sure that the man began to play 3 games in 1983, when he tried to 18 years Space Invaders in real time to boring after a while, so I tried that Galaxy also has a couple of weeks has been real tired this kind was that a gallery with my uncle 2, I started to hear all the sounds in a video game at that time to the cabin to where it is placed in her room, and one leads to another, I have about $ 35 in a neighborhood in the game, so do not until I tried it again the next week played in the early stages, giving the 300 had a high value of 4,500,760 on thousands of 300 points in the plane with a picture of me next to themy game play and u0026lt original>> AX \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\,:) ava06

Ohhhhh said...

Galaga all the way ... They only move right and left, to Space Invaders. Galaga at least makes you remember the attack patterns if you want to control.

genni likes life said...

Galaxy / dad like to play Galaga .... think that if he gets the chance.

Magician... said...

Definitely Galaga. He was the only one not to have been useless.

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